5 Reasons to Do a DTS at Youth With A Mission Skien

1. Go Deeper with God
More than just head knowledge! Deepen your personal relationship with Jesus and learn about the Father Heart of God, Hearing God’s Voice, The Bible, Worship, Missions and much more.
2. Get a Taste of Missions
The teaching is in Norway and then we travel the World to share God’s love with people! Get a real Missions experience and enjoy new cultures.

3. Friends for Life
Be part of an amazing community of people from all over the World who are seeking to know God more. Enjoy deep fellowship, small groups, mentoring, worship and prayer times, and have a lot of fun!
4. We Live in a Renovated Prison at the Heart of the City, but Close to Nature
Our location is extremely unique as our dormitory is in an old prison from 1891 in the middle of the town. We’ve renovated and made it very cozy there, but it still has a lot of the original look and feel. We have quick access to all that the city offers of cafés, stores, arts and museums.

5. We Love Youth
We desire to see a movement of young people going all-in for Jesus in Norway and in the nations! If you want to be part of what God is doing in Norway, YWAM Skien is a great place to be!
You Can Apply TODAY!
Want to read more?
We offer two Discipleship Training Schools (DTS)
Explore DTS starting in October
Spring DTS starting in January
Contact us for questions!