Adventure with God!
Tired of school or work, and just want to do something totally different for a year?
Why don't you come to Norway for an amazing adventure?
Learn more about
Discipleship Training School
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At Youth With A Mission in Skien, Norway, you get to travel the world, get friends for life and grow in your relationship with God!
We run three Discipleship Training Schools a year:
September (1) and January (2).

Norway first, then the World
A Discipleship Training School (DTS) is an amazing opportunity for you to grow in your relationship with God and to discover more what He has in store for you in the future. You will be part of an amazing international community of students and staff, and live in one of the most beautiful and spectacular countries in the world! But you also get to travel to other countries within and outside of Europe!

You will get incredible, life-changing teaching from teachers from all over the World. The teaching is very practically focused and it’s all about «getting to know God and to make Him known». During the school you will also enjoy amazing worship, times of prayer, small groups and much more. The fellowship with teachers, staff and students are just as an important part of the learning process as the teaching in the classroom.

Outreach is where you get a taste of how it is to be a missionary! You get to travel for several months to one or more countries in a third world country like India, Tanzania or Colombia, or to several countries in Europe. This is a fantastic opportunity to stretch yourself and to see God do great things! We promise loads of stories to tell your grandchildren ;)

Fill in the form to hear more about this amazing opportunity!
© 2020 YWAM Skien, Norway